Soul Food-Full Moon Energy & What to Do with It

January 12, 2017by Eva Starr0

This full Moon which occurred this morning is in the sign of Cancer, opposing the Sun in Capricorn, squaring Jupiter in Libra, ad Uranus in Aries. Being that 2017 (numerology wise) is a ONE year, a year of initiations and new beginnings it is important what we do with the energy of today’s full moon.

This Full Moon will see a clash between all of these energies, and for some people this configuration can be pretty intense depending on how it is affecting your personal chart. Those who have a birthday the week of this Full Moon will feel it more strongly, as will those born July 11th-18th, April 9th-16th, and October 12th-19th.

For the Cancers ask yourself if you are getting enough self-care. Yes, that’s right my dear Crabs! Pull the reigns on you helping everyone else and nurture thyself. You can’t pour from an empty well. My dear Capricornian Goats, take some time to look at your goals and chunk them down. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING this week, this month or even this year. Prioritize! Libras take a look at the bigger picture when it comes to relationships, (friends, family, and co-workers alike) and ask yourself where do you want to see these relationships transform going into 2017. For my hot-headed Rams (Aries); trust me I have Aries Rising, I can relate. Ask yourself do you really need to START another project without finishing the couple hundred you already have going?

This full moon offers all of us a chance for new beginnings. Throw out “what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming” in 2017 and ask yourself what POSITIVE changes you’d like to put in gear to replace those negative thought patterns and beliefs.

Here’s a few of my favorite affirmations from Florence Scovel Shin’s new book the Magic Path of Intuition:

  • say before bed “In the morning, I’ll know just what to do.”
  • “God is the Source of my supply, and big, happy financial surprises now come to me.”
  • “Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.”
  • “What God has done before, he can do for me and more.” (opens doors)
  • “The tide has turned to stay, for God has right of way.”

Pick one or write one for yourself. Say it for 21 days faithfully.

For those of you wanting your numerology for the year, drop a coin on the Angels Wings above and send me your birth information. Also, tomorrow is the LAST day to register for the Louise Hay classes, (click here)

Blessings and Love to You,

Eva Starr



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