Soul Food~Zodiac Gift Giving Guide

December 7, 2015by Eva Starr0

Shh-SantaIt’s that time of year again, and for those of you who are stuck in what to get Uncle Billy Bob or cousin Maybelle, I’ve got the answers for you. Tune into today at 3:30pm/PST or 6:30pm/EST to my Blog Talk Radio Show. Call this #713-955-0718 at a few minutes before your designated time zone. If you prefer to just listen then you can do that, if you want to comment or ask a question then just hit the number “1” on your key pad and I will see you’d like to comment or ask a question, then I will un-mute you.

Also, I’m looking for questions/comments on this metaphysical card I drew this morning:


In seeking and finding joy, you not only find perfect alignment with your Inner Being and with who-you-really-are, but you also find vibrational alignment with all things that you desire. When JOY is really important to you, you will not allow yourself to focus upon things that do not feel good—and the result of thinking only thoughts that feel good will then cause you to create a wonderfulIts-a-Wonderful-life-foto life filled with all the things you desire.

Talk to you later today,


Santa ZiggyZiggy Starrdust

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