Soul Food~Get Back to Wishing on a Star

April 20, 2015by Eva Starr0

This will be brief but highly important! These last few days I’ve realized what is the essential ingredient missing from most of our lives;  it’s the childlike innocence of make believe! If this doesn’t apply to you, please keep enjoying your life and skip all of this.

If on the other hand, you’re like me, and feel like something is missing but you just can’t put your finger on it then please keep reading. What is so great about being a kid? I’ll tell you, it’s being in your own fantasy world, (which in reality isn’t a fantasy at all, it’s your reality) until the adults in your life tell you otherwise.

This world we live in is the “illusion” and our “dreams” in fact are the reality. I know this may be hard to wrap your brains around but bear with me here. Your Soul, your heart’s desire knows what it truly wants, that is the main reason God put you and I and every other Tom, Dick and Harry on the planet, is to live out our passion. The problem being is we’re told at a very young age that our dreams are bullshit and it’s not realistic, (unless of course you were blessed to have parents that encouraged your make believe friends and the angels you saw, and encouraged your dreams).

6c995d1e7473591a33a0b9c15a8b5756I remember when Shayna my youngest daughter (after we would walk in the Metroparks for the afternoon) would hold her little hands closed ever so gently and I would ask her “what do you have there, a fairy?” She would answer me and say “No mommy I have TWO fairies,” and then I would say to her “Good bring them into the apartment we need all the help we can get.”

My point in all of this is we need to get back to wishing upon a star, waving our magic wand, getting up in the morning and pretending what it is we want to manifest during our day and believing in the dream. I have a magic wand, which I used in all my Toastmaster’s meetings here in California and I’m going to start right now to get back to my child like exuberance and belief in magic and miracles.

I challenge all of you to start today, to dream BIG, imagine your fantasies and dreams as you did when you were a child, and believe again in the MAGIC of make-believe.

I love you, and am grateful for your support and generosity…




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