Soul Food ~ This ONE thing is all we need…

January 29, 2014by Eva Starr0

I finished the 21-day consciousness cleanse Sunday morning…as you may be aware I did the Debbie Ford cleanse about a year and a half ago. I also kept the Journal (from before) and wrote in the same journal this time around. The cleanse is a lot of work, that’s why it took me 28 days the first time and 26 days this time. There is a lot, and I do mean a lot of self-inquiry, journaling, tons of questions you need to ask yourself and answer. If you’re like me the answers aren’t short by any means. horse

This is what I’ve come to find out…all we need to seek is PEACE! Yep, that’s it, if I make PEACE my goal, then if:

  • my lover leaves me
  • my daughters upset with me
  • my boss takes his bad day out on me
  • the lovely ignoramus on the road flips me the bird
  • the meatloaf burned
  • my scale lies
  • the cat pukes all over the carpet

Now, just imagine the above scenarios (pick your own)…IF I make PEACE my goal, then I’d be OK with whatever happened. The point is to seek the peace within NOT the attachment to the outcome that YOU want. I realized all of this when I was sending out a tithe and asked for prayers in a certain situation, then after I sealed the envelope “the light bulb went off” and I wrote on the back of the envelope…OR just let me be at peace with what is. (reminds me of Byron Katie doesn’t it).

Then I started thinking about life and I realized that’s all I really want is just to be at peace with wherever I’m at and with whatever is going on. With all this reflection I’ve come to the conclusion that when you are truly committed to experiencing peace of your soul then you will look inside and allow your internal GPS (God’s Positioning System) to guide you, and you won’t worry about the HOW (the how is up to God) or WHY (I’ve got a long way to go with the “why”), because you will trust someone upstairs has your back.

Here’s Starr’s Tips to Keep You on the Pathway to Peace:

  • get your eyes out of the rear-view mirror, quit living in the past (learn from it and move on)
  • quit looking so far ahead in the future, (remember the light will be shone to you as you take the steps, remember the headlights)
  • stay within your integrity (9 times out of 10 when you’re not at peace, you didn’t stay true to your heart)
  • remind yourself you already are perfect, (think Michelangelo, the perfection is under the marble)
  • throw blame out the window with yesterdays garbage, (b/c when you blame you just GAVE YOUR POWER AWAY)
  • be kind, to yourself and others, (you’ll feel better as you make deposits in the Karma Bank)
  • Gratitude Journal (this is NOT an option!) being grateful has a domino effect & the Universe sends you more things to be grateful for
  • Shake Your Booty (get all those good endorphins moving)

That’s it for now, re-read the blog below for the Chinese New Year, it’s just around the corner & don’t forget your New Moon Abundance check!

I Love You,

Eva Starr

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