Manifesting Magic

October 9, 2013by Eva Starr0

1002131940rWith the Halloween season upon us, I’d like to share something interesting with you. I of course, believe in Angels, Fairies, Spirit and what have you. I am a believer because I have seen these entities at several points in the course of my life. Also, even without having seen all of the above I have the faith of a mustard seed, and deep within, (probably in my past life as a Druid at Stonehenge) I feel intuitively these things in fact do exist.

Last week I decided to visit a forest near me that I had never heard of before and it is only about five miles or so from my home. One of the cooks mentioned it to me as I was expressing my frustration as to finding more nature places close to me. He mentioned Elfin Forest, “Elfin Forest” I exclaimed excitedly, “you mean there’s Fairies there?” “Yes,” he said.

I knew immediately what the word Elfin meant, I was so psyched I went there to explore a couple days later on one of my days off. I took this picture you see posted here. It’s not a high resolution pix but if you look closely you can see three fairy orbs, red in color, one in the middle with one on each side of the larger one in the middle, near the bottom.

The reason I bring all of this up is because we must communicate with nature at every opportunity we get. The fairies live in the woods, the forests and have messages for us, they are waiting for the chance to communicate with us. Get out in nature; take your journal and talk to God, the Angels, and Spirit then listen for answers they will come.

For more info on orbs, I’ve included this link to The Orb Whisperer…enjoy this magical month of October.

“Magic is in the heart, you can create it wherever and whenever you choose. The more you’re open to Spirit energy the more magic will be manifested in your life.” ~ Eva Starr


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