Soul Food-Do You or a Friend Have a Passion? You Could Be the Next…/Why Staying in Your Comfort Zone is Killing You

May 14, 2019by Eva Starr0

You could be the next…

…guest star on my TV show “Reach for the Moon.” I am looking to line up the next half-dozen or so shows. Immediate need for a Gemini, I’m filming this Thursday, May 16th, at 4pm. Yea, I know it’s late notice, but I’m a deadline person, what can I tell you. I’m also looking to line up shows for Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra coming up in the next few months.

The show is a piece of cake, very laid back and casual. I always have a Zodiac “Flavor of the Month” and then tie that in with a theme, which covers all signs and the last half-hour or so discussing some metaphysical principle. If you know your rising sign, and/or Moon sign and that fits the Flavor of the Month that will work also.

Here are some of the past shows I’ve done in the last couple years since I moved back to Ohio. If you think you (or a friend) fit the bill please text, phone (440-930-8865) or email me, [email protected]

Why staying in our comfort zone is KILLING us?

OK, everyone likes their favorite comfy slippers, (I have a favorite small pillow I squeeze at night), certain food that reminds us of “warm & fuzzy feelings” when we were a kid (hence the term “comfort food”), and the list goes on and on…

What if I told you stepping OUTSIDE of your comfort zone is the key to finding…

  • happiness
  • fulfilling your purpose
  • igniting passion

You are either “LIVING” or you’re DEAD! Plain & simple! This isn’t rocket science.  How to tell if you’re DEAD or stagnating:

  • you’re not moving
  • you’re not progressing (caused by moving)
  • you’re not following a dream, which is like being dead but you’re still breathing

The worst thing about excepting your lot in life, is you begin to settle. That’s about as close to not breathing as you can get! Your Spirt is D.E.A.D.!

What can we do?

  • Make a procrastination list, and start picking one item a day, until you’ve knocked them all off your list.
  • Try NEW things, I write about this so much, you’d think half the world would be trying new things by now. I started this “thing” on my FB page a month or so ago on Fridays, called First Time Fridays, I even put a lot of time and effort in creating a Meme for it. What happened? NOTHING! NADA! NIL! Come on folks, is it really that difficult to try something new? You could drive a different route to work, join a Meetup you’re interested in, change your usual lunch-time fare, etc. I could go on FOREVER!
  • Take a STEP, any step, no matter how small. It lowers your resistance to the task at hand. Go ahead, try it right now, I’ll wait, take some kind of action toward something that you want to do but are afraid…now, don’t you feel a whole helluva lot better?

Click for Flavors of the Month Solar Return Special 

Stay tuned to this blog & my FB page for new workshops coming Dreams, Tarot, Astrology, and a special event coming in September, that I’m SUPER excited about.

Love & Much Gratitude to all who support my work with Spirit,

Eva Starr


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