Soul Food~Spring Equinox/Full Moon Same Day/Spring Clean Your Mind, Body & Soul

March 15, 2019by Eva Starr0

This year, in 2019, the full moon supermoon comes less than 4 hours after the arrival of the March 20th equinox, making this the closest coincidence of the March equinox and full moon since March 20, 2000. The equinox arrives on March 20, at 5:58 p.m. EDT, 2:58 p.m. PDT. The full moon falls on March 20, at 9:43 p.m. EDT, 6:43 p.m. PDT.

This brings a dichotomy of letting go and bringing in the new at the same time. My suggestion would be, take 2-3 days BEFORE the Spring Equinox to purge, pull the weeds from the Garden of your Mind, rototill that soil (your mind) and get ready to plant new seeds, (your thoughts) when the Equinox shows up on March 20th!

Your mind is a garden and it needs to be weeded, rototilled, seeded, water & fertilized. YOU my dear friends are the Gardeners of Your Life. How do we go about tending this plot of land, (mind, body & soul)? Read my book, click here Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself, A step-by-step to Creating the Life You Deserve.

In the meantime, here’s a quick guide, (and I do mean quick) I could talk about this subject forever.

How to Tend the Garden of Your Soul:

  • Weed out what no longer serves who you are & who you are becoming (elaborate)
  • Toxic thoughts, people, habits, environments
  • The blood sucking vampires who drain the life out of you
  • The naysayers, same category as the Dream Crushers
  • Jobs that drain you of every ounce of life you have left in you
  • Thought patterns, that create more negativity & stress in your life
  • Judgments, Critical behavior of self & others

These are just the tip of the iceberg but you get the picture

Now that we’ve weeded your garden, it’s time to plant seeds (thoughts) that will grow into the most mesmerizing beautiful garden you’ve ever seen.

Here’s some seeds you can plant:

  • Be grateful for what you have
  • Have a life vision, a bucket list, create a treasure map/vision board
  • Connect with positive people
  • Be kind
  • Mentor others
  • Learn or try something new everyday

How do you maintain your garden?

  • Be Aware, Be Mindful,
  • Throw away the bad seeds, & pull out any weeds as soon as they appear, while they’re still manageable
  • Watch what other people throw on your soil, don’t let any bad JuJu get on your soil:
  • Don’t spend time with zombies and/or haters
  • Don’t watch TV, the news, and trashy magazines
  • Listen to positive music & read uplifting & inspiring books
  • Go to seminars, lectures, workshops (positive, spiritual, metaphysical)
  • Keep learning & keep doing creative things

Calling all Taurus, shoot me an email [email protected], if you have a unique or interesting passion or business.

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Love & Blessings,

Eva Starr & Ziggy Starrdust





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