Starr Food – How to Utilize the Energies of the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon

February 19, 2019by Eva Starr0

This will be short & sweet, I’m on my way to work soon. This morning at 10:54am EST/7:54am PST we have a Full Moon at 0* Virgo opposing the Piscean Sun. I’m going to make it simple for you what to expect & how to work with these energies:

  • Mercury & Neptune are in Pisces, dreamy, rose-colored glasses, the clouded thinking, the illusions & delusions
  • The Sun just entered Pisces yesterday (hence the Full Moon/Sun thing)
  • The Moon is in Virgo, Mars is in Taurus, both earth energies, logical, analytical, slow but stable & determined
  • Bottom line is the butterfly is ready to come out of this cocoon

OK, so picture this, you’re dreaming but slowly you’re becoming lucid and now things are looking clearer, but you’re drifting back and forth through this lucidity of your life…you tell yourself and others in your dream and/or life, this can’t keep going on like this, we need to quit pretending and actually sit down and talk and come to some concrete way to work it out, to bring about a healing and stop doing this dance where I can see you and feel you, but then you’re gone…

“I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?” ~  Zhuangzi

Thank you for your contined love & support, 

Ziggy Starrdust

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