Soul Food – Are You Making a Difference?

February 18, 2019by Eva Starr0


It’s come to my attention that the world needs love. Yea, I know…that song comes to mind…

I’m talking serious stuff here folks, whatever happened to people caring about other people, and being kind instead of selfish, mean-spirited, prejudicial human beings (and I use that word loosely) walking around this Planet Earth of ours. I know what happened, but I’ll keep those opinions to myself. 

The Sun is moving into Pisces in a few hours today at 6:04pm EST & 3:04pm PST, which is GOOD news. Pisces brings out the humanitarian in all of us, the softness, the spiritual side of our souls, if you will. Here is a short guide to help you move through the next Piscesean thirty days with a little love in your heart.


  1. LISTEN – I chose to make this one #1. When someone is having a problem, take the time to LISTEN, so that the other person can feel appreciated. The art of listening, is sadly a LOST art in today’s society. Too many people only care about their own opinion and if they took the time to actually LISTEN to the other person hearts might be healed instead of severed forever! TIP: Put your cell phone away when someone actually wants to have a real conversation with you.
  2. VOLUNTEER – I’ve always been a big promoter of volunteerism, I’ve gotten most of my jobs because I was volunteering at the particular organization. Find something you love, preferably in your own community, and go volunteer. Start here: Volunteer Opportunities
  3. OFFER A SMALL GIFT – This one is a no brainer! I’ll give you some small examples in my own life: I bring my upstairs neighbors mail in daily (she’s way younger than me), & garbage cans when I can, I bake or cook and bring treats to the schools, or invite a friend over each time I make a big batch of something, (which is quite often).
  4.  SEND FLOWERS – Aldi’s has a bouquet of roses for $3.00 any given day. The next time you’re there, buy an extra bunch & give them to a friend, family member or neighbor. Who doesn’t like flowers?
  5. SHOW YOUR SMILE – This is the one thing that you can give away several times a day or night, and it doesn’t cost a thing. Show off them pearly whites.
  6. TEACH/SHARE YOUR GIFTS – Everyone is gifted with something that only they can do, unlike anyone else in the world. Help others by sharing your gift. Teach others what you know. Several years ago, before I moved to Avon Lake, then California, I used to run a small dream group in my home in Lakewood. It was fun, and everyone learned a lot, including me. It was FREE!
  7. OFFER HELP – There are way too many opportunities in this world to offer help, (and I don’t just mean when it fits into your schedule) sometimes our precious time needs to get interrupted to help another soul, it’s your Karma Bank account, not mine. Help someone with their groceries, (little old ladies), someone stranded by the side of the road (USE SAFETY AT ALL TIMES), give them your cart at Aldi’s and don’t take the quarter back, (I mean really?). I think you’re getting the picture.
  8. PAY IT FORWARD – If you’ve never seen this movie, Pay It Forward Movie, you’re living in a cave. I gave up television in 1989, (yes, you heard it right, 29 years ago), and I’ve even seen this movie. Use your imagination on how you can pay it forward, buy the coffee behind you in the drive-thru Starbucks, pay the turnpike toll behind you, get creative & make it fun!
  9. IMPROVE YOURSELF – This is another one that shouldn’t need any explanation. Read more metaphysical/spiritual material, go outside more, go for walks, invite a friend, meditate, BE KIND!!!
  10. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~ Leo Buscaglia 

Please, take the next couple minutes to listen to this video, I feel it matters. 

As always, thank you for your love & support! If this blog inspires you, or feeds your soul, feel free to drop a coin in the Donate Button on the sidebar, so I may continue working with Spirit. ~ Eva Starr

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