Get Your Hands Off the HOW…

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0

…and on the gear shift

It’s been said that “There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.” ~ W. H. Murray the Scottish Himalayan Expedition

What the above statement says to me is this:

  • once you take that first step all kinds of things begin to move in the direction of your dreams!

I’ve been reading another book (surprise?), OK well here it is Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley. Yea, all this stuff just didn’t hit the planet yesterday….but I DO learn something new (actually quite a bit) from each and every book I read. Even if it’s one I’ve read before, which I’ve been known to do on more than one occasion.

According to Dooley, and a few others I’ve been studying these days it’s becoming more apparent that our past lives play an enormous part in the Divine Plan of our life in the here and now. You don’t need to know who you were before and what your mission is now (although that is beneficial). What you do need to know is this:

  • time presents itself with the answers (this means it’s going to happen when it’s the right divine timing) So TRUST in the process of the flow of Life!
  • start with the END result in mind, (similar to what I spoke about a few weeks ago, just ask for PEACE.) Except now I’m adding happiness to my list!
  •  as in the above quote, the Universe will create the coincidences, the serendipities, the synchronicities, and the accidents all so you can have that chance meeting, or that book fall, or make that wrong turn.

Do you get where I’m going with this? Just get in your metaphysical car and put it in gear and put your foot on the gas. Have a destination in mind and just start doing the things you are lead to do on a daily basis while being happy (remember that Soul Food~Be Happy)?

 “God does not play dice with the universe”-Albert Einstein

Know that God has a plan for your life, get out of your own way. Get your hands off the HOW and just focus on the end result of Happiness. What could be simpler than that? Yea, you can do the Vision boards, and have ideas of what, where, and who…but do you really think YOU are in charge? (last week’s Soul Food)

Give your mind a rest and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Think about all the great things that happened to you! Wasn’t a lot of it “coincidence”? Now, maybe you are starting to get my point…YOU can’t PLAN those type of things. Just keep moving and let God take care of the HOW!

Here’s another website Mike Dooley for you to give your brain one more thing to think about (as if you need one more thing). Have fun…and remember…

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