Are You Living Your Purpose?

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0

Are You Living Your Purpose? 

I get asked questions about “how do I know I’m on my life’s path?” more than any other question. I myself, sometimes wonder am “I” living my Soul’s Purpose?


This past weekend I was struggling with my Soul’s Purpose,(because I have my fingers in just about every cookie jar known to man). These are just a few things that I love to do:

 Tip Jar
  • write
  • teach
  • heal
  • inspire
  • empower
  • cook
  • speak
  • Astrology
  • metaphysics
  • minister
  • do TV
  • do radio

So you can see my dilemma…sometimes I just don’t know where to put my focus. There are a few ways the Universe kindly lets us know when we’re on our path, which I will share with you. I do know one thing, we are ALL put here on this planet for a particular purpose and one of the clues for figuring it out is “joy”! That’s right, does what you do bring you JOY, does it serve another human being, does it add value to the planet, would you do it whether you got paid or not?


These are just some of the questions you can start asking yourself. I know one thing for sure if it causes you stress, pain, or harm you are NOT to be doing whatever that thing is!


So start to think about the things that bring you closer to God, give you a feeling of “awe & wonder”, Your Soul is communicating with you at all times, you just need to listen to that still small voice within. You know deep down within the heart of your being,what stirs you? What are your dreams and desires, it comes from your Soul, (and past lives). Life will give you answers through your dreams and synchronicities if you just pay attention.

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