Silence Is Deafening

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0



I now understand what the Steer Skull’s translation of Silent Testimony is (at least what it means to me). Read on for my insight’s into such a deeply profound subject, that it opens itself up for discussion till eternity.


(The Internet Metaphysical Interpretation) Steer Skull – Animal Totems – A desirable symbol for out west, showing the dangers to the lonely cowboy. For the living, it represents our need for stoicism, steadfastness and the drive to survive. These are themed directly after the Native American totems.

Silence is like a river of grace inviting us to leap unafraid into its beckoning depths. Deafening SilenceIt is dark and mysterious in the waters of grace. Yet in the silent darkness we are given new eyes. In the heart of the divine we can see more clearly who we are. We are renewed and cleansed in this river of silence. There are those among you who fear the Great Silence. It is a foreign land to you. Sometimes it is good to leap into the unknown. Practice leaping.

Macrina Wiederkehr, Seven Sacred Pauses


As I was preparing to write next what I wanted to convey to you I “stumbled upon” this most outrageous video. It’s an absolute work of genius…but more than that I had an epiphany “everything in our life is the trigger (or catalyst) for the next motion.” Watch this incredible video with that in mind and you will get the point, This Too Shall Pass  .


Now back to the Silence is Deafening, we speak louder with our silence than with our words. Take a moment right now and think of the last time you were intentionally silent to make a point. What we are afraid of is the “silence” as depicted in the above picture of the girl sitting at the ocean, (which I totally love this picture). I feel there is HUGE meaning in this!


We are too filled (at least I know I can be) with the busyness of life and talking (hey I have Mercury in Gemini, it is the communicator of the Zodiac, the Messenger of the Gods). Anyway, Silence is something I can do more of. I can listen more, talk less, or just plain sit in the silence instead of reading 10-15 books on any given week. Yes, I’ve always said God gave me the “gift of gab” but maybe it’s time for me to be a “silent testimony” of that deep stillness within, that peace that resonates out without ever having to say a word.


I have taken a few more sabbaticals since the car accident and plan on spending more time “being” in the silence instead of filling my days with “doing.” I just had another epiphany while I was writing this…I’ve drawn the Turtle card THREE times in the last week, (which is the card of retreat). I keep asking myself, what is it that I need to retreat from? I think (that’s the problem right there), I need to be “doing” more. Duh??? Wrong!


Let me throw this out to you this week: Can YOU be a silent testimony for whatever it is you do? For example, if you mow lawns, and are the best lawnmower in your parts, then don’t the “lawns” offer a Silent Testimony for what you do well. Ah, now you get it, the light bulb is starting to illuminate!

  • if you are love, can you love in total silence (by just being you)
  • if you sing, can you shout to the world, by just singing (and nothing else)
  • if you are the epitome of Health, can you express that just by how you feel & look
  • if you are giving, can you totally give without uttering a single word, just give

I leave you now my friend, to get closer to God this week, by listening to the deafening silence that he offers so that you may know him more.


I love you,

Eva Starr

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