When God Winks at You

January 23, 2012by Eva Starr3

One of the books that I am presently reading is When God Winks at You by Squire Rushnell. Basically it is a compilation of different stories of the synchronicities in our lives which Rushnell refers to as “God winks.” I’ve always understood that there are “no”coincidences in life, much to the dismay at times to some of the people in my life who think more rationally than myself.

The premise of the God winks is that just when we’re about to give up, or lose faith, God sends us a little sign to let us know he’s thinking of us and hasn’t left our side…similar to the “Footprints in the Sand” poem.

Think about the last God wink you received and what was going on. Didn’t it come at just the right time? There’s a story in the book which I’m sure by now all of you have seen go around the Internet and back several hundred times about the young kid named Cory in school who was kind of a nerd and people picked on him. Well, this particular day Cory had decided he was going to commit suicide so he emptied his locker of all his books and carried them home. A bunch of mean kids knocked the books out of his hands and Cory’s glasses flew to the ground. Another kid named Matt helped him pick of the books and invited him to a party later on that evening. Cory became valedictorian years later and told the story at the commencement.

Unbeknownst to me Rudolph Giuliani’s (former mayor of New York City) story is also quite remarkable but for another reason. The year Giuliani was running for the Senate against Hillary Clinton he was told by his doctor he had prostrate cancer and needed to drop out of the race. Giuliani was upset and asked God, “why me, why now?” Giuliani was to find out sixteen months later God needed him to stay where he was (and not run for the Senate) because he would be invaluable to the people of New York during the 911 tragedy. 

You see God DOES know what he’s doing. I read somewhere that once we cross over to the other side we see it all, then everything makes sense. God sees our life from a vertical view much like if we were watching an ant farm and taking it all in. God sees the whole picture right from where he sits, and every piece is in perfect place just like a puzzle.

I was having a rather bad day on Saturday and started crying during my morning meditation and asked God and his band of angels to send me a whole bushel basket full of God winks. Well, it took some time but later on that day I started receiving God winks little by little one at a time, and I had to smile to myself.

So the next time you think God isn’t listening, or he’s not doing things according to the plan YOU have in mind…just sing yourself that Garth Brook song “Thank God for unanswered prayers” Garth Brooks “Unanswered Prayers” and remember God DOES know what he’s doing. Start keeping a God winks journal and you’d be surprised how often he winks at you throughout a day and night.

“Just when time is running out and the last grains of sand are running through the jar, look up at the Heavens God may be getting ready to send a “wink” your way.” ~ Eva Starr


  • Eva Starr

    January 24, 2012 at 11:07 am

    I had anoher “HUGE” God wink today. I dreamt abuot polar bears last night. I looked them up in my animal totem book. Reading about polar bears, it was suggested that I also look up seals as it was their main food. Upon researching seals, I learned about a folklore story originating from the Shetland Islands and Iceland where the seals would lose their skins and dance in the sea under the moonight, and they were known as Fairies called Selkies.

    In my morning meditation with eyes completely closed and shuffling my angel deck a card flew out onto the floor. Out of 44 cards in the deck the “Fairie” card jumped out. Then I did the same thing with my Steven Farmer animal deck, and yes; same thing the “Seal” card jumped out. Again one out of forty-four cards, in BOTH decks! God is definitely “talking” to me!


  • mz8

    January 24, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Keep listening!


  • Brian Hooper

    January 24, 2012 at 11:59 am

    Eva — So glad you are stimulating the imaginations of others to recognize — engage in “re-cognition” — to literally “re-think” all of those wonderful synchronicity moments that we find woven through the rest of our accidental moments and calendared events! Big Hug and wishes for joy in the process!


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