Why Happiness Eludes Us

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0
Why Happiness Eludes Us…

I just finished (last week) reading The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman and come to realize (AGAIN) that happiness is elusive because we are continuously searching. Let me explain this…
It’s like the Kingdom of Heaven, man looks to the highest mountain, the deepest sea, the darkest forest and comes home empty handed. WHY? Because it was inside him the whole time, but he’s too busy looking everywhere under the Sun except in his own front yard.
We may win the blue ribbon or the gold medal and we’re happy for the moment but then we’re searching for our next conquest, our next high, nothing’s ever good enough.
The whole point of what I’m saying here is the “KEY” to unlocking your neverending quest for enlightenment, happiness, prosperity, love (it really doesn’t matter WHAT you equate happiness to) is “Be Happy” right where you are! That’s right, that’s the answer, otherwise you are setting yourself up for more complaints, more situations of lack, and more depression if you continue the road you’re on.
Take a look at this video of Bobby McFerrin’s 1988 Song of the Year “Be Happy”…and smile while you’re doing it.
Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy Lyrics
Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry,

Be Happy Lyrics

Now some of you might say “well I’m out of a job, or I have such & such a health problem, or my spouse of 25+ years just walked out on me…”! STOP right there, we all have STUFF, and the only way we’re going to get to do a drive-by into the happy neighborhood is to “be happy” right where we are. That’s right, then the Universe (God) will start showing us more and more things to be happy about once we start appreciating and being happy about where we are!
Like Begets Like…


The more you complain; the next day just brings more to complain about, that’s why “being happy” with where you’re at is so vital to your life. The more grateful you are (are you keeping those Gratitude Journals I’ve talked about?) the more things in your life appear for you to be grateful for.


If for some reason you think your life isn’t what you desire;
just watch this video and think again…
Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
I’m currently reading another book right now A Complaint Free World by Will Bowman. This isn’t a new concept by any means. For those of you who are former clients and/or students you’ve been introduced to this before by Edwene Gaines (The Four Spiritual Laws of Abundance) and Emmet Fox (The Seven Day Mental Diet).
I’ve also talked about this a Godzillion times, go 21 days without complaining, criticizing, or gossiping! Yeah that’s right, each time you slip up you have to start all over again, so be extra careful on day 20! Go to the website above (A Complaint Free World) and order your purple bracelet and each time you catch yourself complaining, criticizing, or gossiping switch the bracelet to the other hand and start again.

Don’t get discouraged, it takes the average person 4-8 months to make it through a complete 21-day period. You may think it’s easy, but trust me it’s NOT as easy as it sounds. If you live in Cleveland, and you even say one negative thing about the weather, you’re done. Or if you wake up and say “I’m tired, or I have a headache,” you’re done.
Let’s not even get started talking about the government, your job, (or lack of) or your spouses, mother, father or the kids…and you’re done. Go to your local library and pick up the book, or order it on Amazon, and let’s do this thing together.


My birthday is Sunday (June 24th), and I’d like to at least make it three whole days before then…so far I keep having to start over and I started it last Friday. In the meantime before your purple bracelet comes use a rubberband, a coin, or a crystal in your pocket (whatever you have on hand) and let’s change our thoughts and “Be Happy.”
Also, a reminder the New Moon is Tuesday 6-19-12, (11:02am EDT) & (8:02am PDT) don’t forget to do your Law of Abundance check and your New Moon Wish list.
OK, I’ve given you enough links between these two columns to keep you busy all week.

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