Three Easy Steps to Peace

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0

If You Could Ask God for One Thing What Would It Be?
Peace of Mind

I’ve pondered this question many times, and to be honest with you I can’t tell you what my answers have been in the past, but I can tell you what my answer today is “Peace of Mind.”


I look at it this way, what if I had all the money in the world, but was in poor health, or missing a few limbs? What if I was the healthiest person on the planet, but didn’t have a pot to piss in? What if I was with my Soul Mate and I was so in love that I didn’t care if I had money or health, but he/she dies tomorrow?


Do you get where I’m going with this? The only thing that I would ask for is PEACE OF MIND, because if I had “peace of mind” I wouldn’t give a hoot, whether I was poor as dirt, my soul mate got hit by a bus, and I was told I had three months to live. Peace of Mind is where NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS you have peace of mind. Now isn’t that the thing to strive for?


I came up with an observation the other day as I was pondering my life and the plethora of things that go ’round and ’round in my head on a daily basis. What if I totally give up thinking for three days straight? That’s it I thought I’ll try it. Well, I barely got into the first hour and I was already noticing a difference. Why you ask?


Because I had already decided I was only going to concentrate on what I had in front of me at the moment, and only do things that brought me joy, and the rest of the pile would have to wait until my 72 hours was up. An interesting thing, I wasn’t anxious anymore, creativity started to open up, opportunities started to show up at my door.

Now mind you I didn’t just sit around in the lotus position and chant “ohm.” I did the things I normally did but only the things I chose to and that brought me peace. I picked up a book that the Universe had been shouting at me to read for the last 2-3 days, They Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. I am going to share with you my 3 Steps to Peace:

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