Soul Food~The Answers Are at Your Fingertips & 3 Days Away

September 10, 2018by Eva Starr0

We just had a new moon in Virgo, earth energy, a time for planting those seeds and watching them grow. Virgo helps us gain clarity, which then enables us to organize those thoughts, then prioritize the aforementioned and get to work. Virgo is like the “filing cabinet” of the Universe. This is the first new moon since June that isn’t an eclipse.

With the Sun in Virgo, trining Pluto in Capricorn, and sextiling Jupiter in Scorpio, we are doubly blessed. Look to where Virgo is in your chart to know where those blessings are going to be showered around and over you. Venus entered the intense sign of Scorpio yesterday which will tap into what needs to be transformed in your relationships. Look for a catharsis to deep clean everything and go down deep, deeper than you may care to venture. Sorry, too late, Scorpio waits for its chance to sting, so beware.

Mars is reentering Aquarius, the independent freedom-loving rebel. Put on your boxing gloves and get ready to go a few rounds. You’re about to up your game, make sure you’re in the ring and ready to play, Mars will blindside you that left jab and you won’t even what hit you! Look to where Aquarius is in your chart, get suited up, and slip on those gloves, all bets on you, now jump in the ring.

How do you find out where all this stuff is in your chart, you ask? EASY! Join me for 8 weeks of Astrology Made Easy, in Westlake. Click on this link, Astrology Made Easy and sign up today! HURRY, classes start this Thursday!

PS Also shoot me an email with your birth info, every student gets their own personal laminated chart to work with during class.

See you there,

Eva Starr

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