Soul Food-Why ARE We Here?

July 23, 2018by Eva Starr0

Early last week I had one of those 2-3 days that snow-balled into one calamity after another. Each one threw me for a bigger loop than the one before. Although I’ve been on this path steady (not counting the times I fell off in the late 70s and early 80s) for thirty years now, I still get hit hard! I cried a lot and went to visit my mentor to get some clarity on “what’s it all about Elfie?”

This IS (and has always been) the bottom line: “It’s not WHAT happens to you, it’s HOW you respond to what happens to you.” That principle alone is BASIC METAPHYSICS 101, and you don’t graduate from that class until you can get it right “every single time.” By that I mean, you keep your center, you remain calm, you don’t allow things to ruffle your feathers, you keep from having a nervous breakdown every time something goes wrong…just pick any of those that sound like it could work for you.

This is the “catch”…trust me on this one! Once you think to yourself “OK God, Universe, call it what you want, I’ve got this, I’m going to remain calm and know that it’s out of my hands and remain at peace, I’ve got this.” Then suddenly, from out of nowhere another one comes flying through the Universe at the speed of light and WHAM! BANG! WALLOP! While God is sitting up there laughing (not really but getting a small chuckle) and says “so you think you got this, huh?”

Let me spell it out for you:

  • it’s like being in school and passing first grade, then in second grade the tests get harder
  • it really is about “HOW” you respond
  • letting go of CONTROL, really means not grabbing it back like a Yo-Yo
  • keep on keeping on means “exactly that” you don’t ever stop at this game called life
  • keep up your spiritual practice & meditation, don’t just call on the “BIG GUNS” when you’re in trouble
  • pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again
  • YOU are NOT in control of the Universe, so give it up!!!

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to read my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself click here Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself to check it out.

Thank you for your support,

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