Soul Food-Full Scorpio Moon/It’s Now or Never

April 29, 2018by Eva Starr0

The Full Moon appears tonight EDT 8:59pm/5:59pm PDT at 9* Scorpio opposing the Taurus Sun. The full moon is a time of “shining the light” on what’s been hidden and is now rising to the surface. With the Scorpio full moon, we may have to DIG DEEP to bring that which has been BURIED in our subconscious for so long we may need a shovel. With, the polarity between what we value, our need for material security (Taurus Sun) and our own deep-seated emotions of negative sludge, what’s been brewing beneath the surface is about to erupt!

That’s right, you can run but you can’t hide. It’s time to take a look at our dark side, and banish the ego self, and as the full moon shines the light on what we’ve been refusing to look at for so long. Oh, you can bury it again, if you choose but it’s only going to come bubbling up from the underground like a volcano and blindside you with its tail, and leave you wounded with its deadly stinger!

We also have a Mars-Pluto alignment knocking on the door, whether we open it or not transformation is coming to dinner, so you might as well set a place at the table and let him in. The good news is Saturn has also been invited, bringing with him the dessert which we’ve been hungering for, but will keep us satisfied for a long time.

Bottom line is it’s now or never! Deal with what you’ve been avoiding, and admit, there are just some aspects of yourself fermenting in the pit of your stomach that need to be given a voice before it makes its way to the surface and becomes an ugly mess that we’ll eventually have to clean up.

If ever there was a time for a full moon releasing ritual, it’s NOW with the Scorpio moon. Let go of what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming. For the record this list includes: (especially with the moon being in Scorpio, revenge, long-standing grudges, and unforgiveness will POISON you)

  • limited beliefs and thought patterns
  • any traces of unforgiveness lying dormant in your blood and slowly poisoning you
  • the need to punish other people and/or yourself
  • deep-seated resentments that you need a drilling rig to dig out

Scorpio goes deep folks, so go easy on yourself, you’ve spent a lifetime holding on, don’t expect immediate relief, (although if your heart is truly ready to let go, miracles can happen instantaneously).

I’ve created a short video to guide you along, you’ll need pen, paper, a cauldron, or fire-proof bowl, lighter and a candle.

As Always; Thanks for all your Love & Support,

Eva Starr

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