Silent Testimony

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0

Silent Testimony

Steer Skull

About a week or so ago I drove to Vista (about a 20 minute drive) to a place called The Indian Store. I had an urge to get a pair of moccasins, (my Native American Heritage is coming out), so I did what anyone would do I “Googled” it.


The store was huge, specializing in every type of bead known to man, and then some. Evidently making Native American jewelry is big out here. I couldn’t care less about the beads, I just wanted moccasins.


Well to my surprise (and chagrin) they had more types, styles, and shapes of moccasins then China has rice. Thank God I’m not a Libra, it was overwhelming enough as it was. The poor guy who was helping me (let me know countless times he’s the computer guy & doesn’t work in this section). After awhile the owner’s son (a young youth) took over to relieve the poor frustrated PC guy.


Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God. ~ Thomas Keating quoted in The Sun & Moon Over Assisi by Gerard Thomas Straub


I bought my moccasins then wandered aimlessly around the store for a couple hours. I was fascinated by the dreamcatchers, the music, the drums, the hides of animals skins, etc. I gravitated toward the gemstones and there were three baskets full to the brim, of animal totem gemstones. There was a guide book there to tell you the meaning (in case you couldn’t figure out the animal depicted). Trust me when we’re getting down to elks, moose, caribou, deer etc. they look very similar when you’re looking at a small etching in a stone.


I picked from the 1st basket & drew the Steer Skull, then I drew the T-Rex stone from the 2nd basket, on to the 3rd basket, the Steer Skull AGAIN. Well, as much as I would’ve rather had another stone more to my liking, I got the message (loud & clear), Steer Skull it is. I bought it, the meaning is Silent Testimony. I really didn’t understand what Silent Testimony meant. So of course, I went home and “Googled” Steer Skull only to find it would say “Silent Testimony”. No other information was given other than that, no matter what site I went to. Trust me I spent hours on this.


Read the second section to learn what I discovered.

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