How to Deal with Limbo, Pain and Chaos

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0

In Limbo Are You?

I looked up limbo on the net and I came up with four definitions…this is the one I chose to use:Mickey Mouse

  • an intermediate place or state

Since I’ve been doing the Debbie Ford 21-day consciousness cleanse, and while Mercury has been Retrograde mind you, a whole helluva lot of things have come up for me. What I’ve come to find out through the moments of chaos, the times of suffering, and just plain feeling in limbo is this:

  • the present

That’s right, the present, as being in the present moment, for myself anyway I’ve found that to be the cure all, be all, the only answer. Allow me to elaborate. Let’s start with Limbo.


Limbo is the in-between place you’re in when you don’t know what the hell is going on in your life. Can anyone out there relate to this? I thought so. Here’s my theory, when you’re in limbo you’re trying to hang on to your past, (which could look like this):

  • still thinking you can get into those jeans you wore on senior night
  • still dreaming about your ex who has moved on with a wife and three kids
  • stuck in a time-warp when you thought you had it all, career, the toys, etc.

Reality check, those days are over, that’s why they call it the PAST.


Now, here’s the flip side of the LIMBO coin: the FUTURE

  • your plans for the future aren’t jiving with your agenda
  • you want to take action toward your goals, (if you only knew WHICH ones)
  • you look out the window still looking for that Goodyear blimp with a message from God written just for you

Another NEWS FLASH: ain’t happening


The reason we cause ourselves unnecessary suffering, are running on the proverbial hamster wheel, and are STUCK in that place we call LIMBO is because none of those things I’ve listed above are going to get you anywhere but STUCK!

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