Day #8 The Power of Liberation

March 13, 2012by Eva Starr0

This is the day to liberate yourself from the past and those small shoes you’ve been stuffing your feet into. It’s like Independence Day, without the fireworks. Some supplies you’ll need to gather:

  • fresh flowers
  • candle
  • incense
  • music
  • Epsom salts

Gather up your “PAST”, shoes, letters, photos, negative addictions, like a piece of chocolate cake (if eating the whole cake was one of your addictions), write a letter to all those things that no longer “serve who you are and who you are becoming” and burn it. Take all the items and say goodbye to them one at a time as you put them in a garbage bag, then take it outside and dump it with yesterday’s trash! BEGONE!

Now, take your bath, light your candle and incense, smell the roses, and listen to the music as you say to the Universe “I willingly give all of this pain, all of this trauma, all of this stress back to the Universe to dissolve and transform.” Your past now belongs in God’s hands. Now embrace your fantastic future and send love to every cell of your being and tell yourself it’s safe to move forward into the arms of God!

I applaud you for getting this far!

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