Soul Food~Today’s Show LIVE & Zodiac Tips for New Year’s Resolutions

January 4, 2017by Eva Starr0

Thank you to everyone who listened to today’s show, I am honored and grateful! Here is the link to the show, Eva Starr on Power Your Life Radio Please listen at your leisure!

As promised, here are the Zodiac Resolution Tips for 2017:

ARIES: Just finish ONE thing for goodness sakes! Aries (the Ram) are notorious for starting some zillion projects, and known for almost ZERO follow through. Of course, I’m over-emphasizing here, (but not really) I myself have Aries Rising and this IS a challenge! If I had a dollar for every book on my dozen bookcases that had a bookmark in it, (because I jumped into a new book) I could retire!

TAURUS: The Bull on the other hand is great with follow through, your challenge would be to try SOMETHING Taurus the BullDIFFERENT, anything! Come out of your comfortable Bull Pen and “ JUST DO IT!”

GEMINI: Oh, my dear Twins, like the Roadrunner, you definitely are speeding through life, (now you see me, now you don’t). My advice to you would be SLOW DOWN, have a little patience and take time out to breathe and smell the roses.

CANCER: For most Crabs, they like the security of their shell, (home and family). It’s OK to play Betty Crocker and serve on the PTA. However, this year I would recommend doing something the SCARES the living daylights out of you.

LEO: The Kings and Queens of the Zodiac, royalty suits you well. Don’t get me wrong, the Lion/Lioness has one of the most generous Leo the Lionhearts of the Zodiac. Take that generosity and make this the year of the cause, VOLUNTEER at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter.

VIRGO: We love you Virgo’s we really do. Without you, the world would have no order, or organization. All I ask, is take off the white gloves, LAY BACK on the criticism, especially with yourself and you might enjoy that organic garden of yours just a little more.

LIBRA: The peacemakers of the Zodiac, we love you. Someone must weigh everything out, it might as well be you. However, could you do yourself and everyone else a favor and make a resolution to just DECIDE on something! Take yourself and your friends out to one of those restaurants that have fifty burgers on the menu, and pick one in five minutes or less, you and everybody else will be glad you did.

SCORPIO: For the Scorpion, this year, it would wise to put that stinger away, at least occasionally. Also, we know you’re the ultimate secret keeper, keeping everything locked up inside of you tighter than a drum. This year resolve to OPEN UP, with those in your closest circle and let them see inside of you for a change.

SAGITARRIUS: The Centaur, the adventurer of the Zodiac, knows only one word; and that is BIG! Don’t get me wrong, it’s admirable that you aim that bow and arrow at the biggest prize in the sky, just put a little more PLAN into those dreams this year. That Bullseye will still be there.

CAPRICORN: Most Goats (the workaholics of the the Zodiac) are still at the office from 2016. It’s time moving into 2017 to put down that smart phone, close that Mac, and TAKE A BREAK. You friends and family will not only love to see you more, but you might actually enjoy yourself.

AQUARIUS: The Rebels of the Zodiac, we love you, without life would be boring. There’d be on one starting a march on Capitol Hill, or inventing the latest new-fangled gadget. However, if I might suggest, resolve to do something TRADITIONAL this year. Yea, you heard go inside the box for a change, you might learn something.

PISCES: The Fish is so busy swimming in his/her rose-colored pond, trying to figure out if he/she wants to swim downstream or upstream, the rest of the world is passing you by. We love that you’re such a dreamer, and have the world’s largest imagination. All we ask is that you take off those glasses, every so often and COME DOWN TO REALITY, and pick a project where your humanitarian side can be of immense use.

January Starr Scopes coming out soon!

Thanks for the continued love & support,

Eva Starr

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