Soul Food-Full Moon/Gemini Sun/Sagittarius

December 13, 2016by Eva Starr0

Tonight is the culmination of the Gemini Full Moon/Sagittarius Sun 7:06pm/EST 4:06pm/PST, at 22+ degrees of Gemini (Moon) and the Sagittarius (Sun). Similar to two weeks ago we experienced a New Moon in Sagittarius, now the Sun is in Sag & the Moon in Gemini. This is affecting Virgos, Pisces, Gemini’s & Sag’s, especially with planets near the 22+ degrees.

This is a time where what we started two weeks ago on the New Moon is coming to fruition, and a time to let go of whatno longer serves who we are and who we are becoming”? Since the Gemini (Mercury ) moon represents our everyday thinking/communication and the Sagittarian (Jupiter) Sun represents our higher mind consciousness, on a global scale we need to integrate the two. Take a look at where (in our lives) we need to go back to the drawing board with our thinking, and align ourselves with the higher energies of the planetary consciousness. It is common for the dark energies to rise up in order for the light-workers to come out in full force.

There is the possibility that the Full Moon brings or is followed by the uncomfortable need to examine what has been ignored, denied, or that has enraged, and this comes with both conflict over wounds inflicted and received and how they’ve shaped Self-expression and accomplishment, and creates a strong, no-holds-barred sense of needing to act, to do something about what’s perceived. That tells us that, though we may be highly conscious of and possibly actively involved with stresses at the time of the Full Moon, there will be available a set of positive synchronicities that we will most likely first become aware of through the feeling nature, and/ or through some kind of completion or ending–and if we can hook that urge to act to the symmetry of the Rectangle, we can take leaps forward in both consciousness and accomplishment. – Cathy Lynn Pagano

There is a Grand-Trine this afternoon with the Gemini moon trining Jupiter in Libra and Mars in Aquarius; which should help iron out any prior chaos caused earlier in the day. Air signs deal with the intellect and mental processes, with the moon in Gemini (Mercury) we’re looking at our local communications, Jupiter in Libra( Venus) is dealing with our relationships with money & finances on a larger scale, and Mars in Aquarius (Uranus) is asking us to take action along a more radical way of thinking. Let’s take advantage of the Grand-Trine, shall we?

For an overview of how what’s going on in the Solar System (especially Pluto & Uranus) is affecting our political climate (and environmental concerns) READ THIS.

For those of you who still need to order your 2017 Numerology charts, and/or your Karmic Insight charts,  click here, Karma/Numerology. Mercury Retrograde blog to follow tomorrow.

Blessings to all of you during today’s Full Moon,





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