Soul Food~New Moon in Sagittarius/The Bigger Picture

November 28, 2016by Eva Starr0

sag_new-moonOn Tuesday, November 29th, the New Moon in Sagittarius will grace the cosmos with her presence. This occurs at 7+ degrees of Sag, at 4:18am PST/7:18am EST.

This New Moon/Sun combo squares the South Node in Pisces and the North Node in Virgo. We are coming out of almost a year of releasing metaphorical garbage, letting go of the emotional baggage of our karmic past (South Node/Pisces) and moving into serving humanity, and giving back to Mother Earth (North Node/Virgo).

The South Node in Pisces is also conjunct Neptune (Pisces) it’s natural ruler. Neptune returning to it’s own sign only happens once every 164 years, so to live through this time is an event in and of itself. Neptune moved into Pisces (for it’s duration) February 4th, 2012 where it will remain for the next thirteen years until April 1st, 2025). Hence, all the mystical, dragons, magic wands, Harry Potter and the legalization of marijuana (Neptune rules illusions, drugs, addictions, and the seas).

With this new moon square to the North Node/Virgo we are being asked to let go of our illusions and return to our practical every-day routine, while remaining humble and asking the question “how may I serve?” It is also a time where we are taking a serious look at our food, health, and eating habits. We aren’t going to take it anymore, no more GMO, junk food, and destroying our planet with fossil fuels, over fishing and the lack of clean water. (Neptunian ruled issues affecting our planet)

During the next 13 years, we’ll definitely see political systems representing “a perfect society” being strived for and we will see reforms in health care (and medicine), prison systems and the arts. It seems this is the ripe time for globalists to push forward their agendas. Of course, there is always the flip side. It would also be a time to see individual sovereignty prevail, clean technologies released, more impactful music and film (less Hollywood shite), natural cures, an overall deeper awakening to the natural world and the ability to do as you will and go un-noticed.

Adding all these up, you can probably guess considering the current state of our world, things can go either really good or really bad during the next 13 years. Either we’ll believe a lie and become easily led into the murky water of our demise or we’ll utilize these influences to truly enlighten ourselves so we can break the spell holding us hostage in an artificial world. The time for new ideology is here but what way will it go?

Einstein, a famous Pisces said, “As the circle of light increases, so does the circumference of darkness around it.” Taken from:

With the new moon in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter), we are being forced to look at the bigger picture, and awaken our spiritual existence. While Sagittarius (Jupiter) lends to an increased optimism and positive thinking; be wary of an exaggerated belief in oneself and a tendency to over indulge in a good thing.

What I would suggest is taking an inventory of what needs to be thrown out from the last eleven months, that which “no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming.” (I know you’ve heard me say it before but it bears repeating) Finish all old business today, get a good night’s sleep tonight and tomorrow have your New Moon wish list prepared. Do your New Moon abundance check and get ready to greet Tuesday morning with a brand new you!

If any of this inspires or empowers you, feel free to drop a coin on the Angel Wings above, so I may continue to work with Spirit to serve you.

Love & Blessings,

Eva Starr & Ziggy Starrdust



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