Soul Food-What Does “God Doesn’t Give Us Anything We Can’t Handle Really Mean?”

October 25, 2016by Eva Starr0

god-doesntIt’s been just over a month since I arrived back in Cleveland, and I’ve had my share of surprises, not all of them pleasant. I found myself asking the 64 million dollar question “If God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle, then why do I feel like I can’t take anymore “STUFF” coming to me?”

If you want to delve into the following articles, then please do, however I’ve come to my own conclusions. (see below)

This is what Eva Starr thinks (at least for today). After speaking with a good girlfriend one night, crying, feeling over-whelmed and depressed (just a few of my plethora of emotions, trust me). I decided I need to read something spiritual (I’ve been so busy dealing with everything that my spiritual studies has not been up to par). I’m still unpacking, so there are books everywhere! As I walked through my dining-room, a book on top of an open box caught my attention; Marianne Williamson’s Everyday Grace (Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles).

I ran a hot bath and took the book into the tub, after reading the first three chapters, this is my conclusion. These are my words & my interpretation (not Marianne’s). There is no absence of light, we just need to remember to turn on the switch. When you walk into a dark room, the light didn’t go anywhere, it’s beneath the darkness, you just need to hit the switch.

When we’re in the midst of trauma, suffering, stress…call it what you want; we forget who we really are. We are a child of God, pure love and divine light. We are not separate from God, but we forget. It’s those times that we must REMEMBER! We DO have it in us to handle life if we remember who we are and call on God and bless our stress.

For myself, the tipping point was in remembering to ask God for help. I declared “Dear God Please send me a miracle!” OK, the truth is I really said “Dear God Please send me TEN miracles!” I went to bed that night sending everyone and every situation that has brought me so much pain in the last month divine white light, over and over again. After all, I lay awake at night for three to four hours unable to sleep I might as well do something with all those awake hours.

When we fight war, it brings us more war, we need to send love, not the opposite of what we’re trying to get rid of. I did awake with a new day, and the light started to shine through the darkness of my life. I’m still dealing with stuff, be I now remember who I am.

I shall end this with reminding those of you who have the time to stop by Saturday, for my Halloween Open House; it’s from 7-10pm. See flyer open-house_xp

Love to you, and thanks for the continuing support & prayers,


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