Soul Food-Here Comes Mercury Retrograde & Lost Loves Return

August 29, 2016by Eva Starr0

Hello Everyone:grab-the-wine-keep-calm-it-s-mercury-retrograde

This Mercury Retrograde is particularly interesting so take heed as you read. First the details:

  • 29* Virgo
  • Beg: 8/30 Tues. 9:04am/EDT 6:04am/PDT Ends Sept. 22nd
  •  This Mercury Rx is squeezed between the Goddess of Planets, Venus & the King of Fortune Jupiter, also aligned with two stars Markeb and Mizar. The latter effecting us after the shadow period of the Retrograde and lasting until October 6th.

Before I delve into “this” particular Retrograde period, let’s talk about IF you have Mercury Retrograde in your Natal (birth) chart. I DO! For those of us with a Retrograde Mercury at birth, this means that in a previous life there was a problem with how you communicated. In other words:

  • you may have given bad advice that had horrendous results
  • maybe you were prone to making costly mistake based on how you did or did not communicate
  • you may have written scandalous material which harmed others

past life catsWhatever the circumstances from the prior incarnation you came into this lifetime to rectify and make amends. The faster we do that, the quicker we can get off the Karmic Merry-Go-Round of life. I am running a 3-day special on Karmic Past-Life reports till Sept. 1st for $24.



Let’s talk about “this” Retrograde:

  • due to the nature of planets/stars (Mercury Conjunct Venus/Star Markeb) represents a spiritual quest learning & sharing knowledge in the service of others
  • the right time to tell someone you love them, you may receive compliments, letters, invitations, gifts/money
  • peaceful resolutions to disputes
  • new relationships of a KARMIC nature/soul mate or friends/lovers from the past show up
  • commitments/marriage with the Star Mizar (the second shadow period till Oct. 6th)

OK you’re not out of the woods, we still will be dealing with:

  • double/triple check all travel arrangements; planes, trains, & automobiles
  • watch your words, (written & spoken) NO drunk FBooking
  • be wary of signing contracts
  • get your car serviced BEFORE the Retrograde or WAIT till after
  • items get lost, keep an eye on your CELL PHONE & KEYS
  • this is not the time to buy electronics or install software
  • if you’re in the car industry, contact FORMER CLIENTS, go thru your list
  • THINK before you speak & open mouth & insert foot

That should do it! Put your best foot forward, get ready for that Soul Mate or old lover to show up and order your Karmic Past-Life Report.

As always, thank you for your love & support,





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