Soul Food/Full Moon/Life’s Lessons/

July 19, 2016by Eva Starr0

full-moon-in-cap-1I am going to sum this full moon up for you:

  • 28* Capricorn 6:57pm/EDT 3:57pm/PDT
  • a time to move through the emotions of anger, apathy, betrayal, woundedness, hurt, depression
  • to reconnect to our spiritual roots (earth)
  • to see what’s not working, and face it, deal with it, look it in the face
  • then release it all to mother earth, align yourself, stay grounded
  • this is a time to persevere, take responsibility, move forward

I know, trust me on this one…this doesn’t sound like a pleasant time. For myself, this full moon is hitting my chart hard with my 29* Aries rising. I’ve already felt most of the above listed emotions with my mom passing suddenly, resigning from my job, and the whole health drama.

However, I am here to remind you, (like some of you reminded me this week):

  • stay in the moment, hold on to this thought “right now, this very moment in time, I have shelter and I am fed, and “THEY CAN’T EAT ME!”
  • when you’re going through the dark night of the soul, remember the Sun ALWAYS rises, in some cities you may not always see it, but it ALWAYS rises…and so will you
  • FEEL your emotions, cry, weep, kick, scream, and do it all over again if you need to, then move THROUGH them, not around them, and for Gods sake don’t bury them!
  • God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle (the jury’s still out on that one) [for me]

Here’s a Rodney Atkins song to remind you of when you’re “going through hell”

Tonite, or afternoon (depending on your time zone):

  • make yourself a list of everything you’re letting go of
  • get yourself a brown/black (Capricorn, the Moon) tall candle
  • light it, burn your list (tell yourself you are releasing that which no longer serves who you are & who you are becoming)
  • speak out loud to the moon “BEGONE!”
  • then go do something nurturing (Cancer, the Sun) for yourself

I love you, and thank you all for your support during this transitional time for me,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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