Soul Food-New Moon in Cancer-New Moon Abundance Check/Wish List

July 4, 2016by Eva Starr0

Hello Everyone:

Cancer_new moonMy apologies for taking almost a month to write. I literally went back to Cali (from my fabulous trip to Cleveland for almost two whole weeks) and started right back to work. Was working an eleven day straight-days-stint and crashed after day eight. Yep, you guessed it, ended up in Urgent Care and am recuperating now on day four of my recuperation.

I have so much to share about life, the workshop, Cleveland, you, me, and how it all ties together. However, that’s for another blog, my time and energy is limited…(for now)

This New Moon in Cancer occurred at 14 degrees at 7:01amEDT/4:01amPDT and is a nurturing, caring protecting new moon. With all the planetary aspects that went awry over the last month, no doubt some of us face a lot of upheaval and changes in our lives, and the dust still hasn’t settled. The good news is this New Moon is making mostly harmonious aspects. It is conjunct Mercury and Venus in the same sign, the planets of love and communication. It is also making a trine to Neptune in Pisces and a sextile to Jupiter and the North Node.

The New Moon along with Venus and Mercury is opposing Pluto. Think transformation and purging, Cancerians remember you carry your shell for a reason, it protects you, along with all the other animals associated with Cancers and their shells, turtles, hermit crabs, etc. If you’ve felt the push-pull of hanging on versus letting go over the last few moths, let it go. Remember “whatever is meant to be yours will NOT pass you by.” Did you get that? If not re-read the entire paragraph!

Jupiter is making a harmonious trine to the above mentioned planets which can bring financial rewards and career benefits. When you set your intentions for your wish list this month, remember to thank the Universe for the good learned from what you are releasing, and be open and ready for what is coming to you. Do I need to sing you the “Doors closing, Doors Opening song, you escaped that in the last workshop, along with the “I Love Myself” song.

Here’s your link to the New Moon Abundance Check. (BTW you still have time, there’s a 24-hour window)

Gotta run & try and catch some Sun to nurse myself back to health,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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