Why Are YOU Here?

February 29, 2012by Eva Starr0
Why Are YOU Here and Should You Care?I’ve almost completed the book Secrets of the Light by Dannion BrinkleyLightning, the man struck by lighting TWICE and lived to tell about it. His first book (which I have not read) came out after his first near death experience in 1975. Brinkley was actually dead for 28 minutes, visited Heaven and came back to share with us his remarkable story. If you have never heard of Brinkley before today or my last writing about him a week or two ago, then I suggest you open your mind, and open one of his books. Dannion Brinkley 

I’ll let Brinkley tell you about the details of Heaven, which will upset even the most liberal of apple carts, trust me. What I’d like to share with you is what this has to do with me and WHY it has to do with YOU!

We’ve all (well most of us at one time or another) asked the proverbial question Why am I here? Even me, who has pondered my divine life purpose more times than I care to think about, still wonders. Even though, there is NO doubt in my mind today that my purpose is to teach, by writing and speaking. HOW that happens is up to God, and I’m still working on letting him guide me without getting in his way.

According to Brinkley “we’ve all come to Earth for the express purpose of learning to master the proper execution of our preexisting spiritual wisdom.” Chew on that one for awhile, it’ll get your mind moving and no doubt loosen some of those cobwebs. The scary thing is we’re all connected, oh yea baby, you, me, & Hitler. You might as well get used to it. 

The only “judge” is YOU! Your fundamentalist religious beliefs are about to be shaken up when you open your mind to there just may be, another theory, (I’m just saying). To hear Brinkley debate the religious and political manipulations of 325 A.D. under the reign of Emperor Constantine is mind-boggling to say the least. I’ll let you do the research and decide for yourself. 

Brinkley suggests we coexist with different aspects of ourselves, in multiple lives on multiple levels of consciousness. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the teachings of the Course in Miracles main premise, which suggests this “is all an illusion.” While we’re speaking of illusions Brinkley mentions a book by Richard Bach “Illusions” which I’m going to add to my list of books to read (for some of you that may be worth looking into).

 “When you have come to the edge of all the light you have and step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of the two will happen to you; either you’ll find something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught to fly!” ~ Richard Bach

Before we entered this physical existence we were held in the eternal Divine Womb of the Universe, magnificent, cherished and loved beyond measure. That my dear child is what we MUST, and I do mean MUST remember! We are born out of pure divine love, and we need to start right now and not a minute later, loving that part of us and nothing less in order to reign successful in our manifestation of our divine purpose! 

Do you want to LIVE or do you merely want to EXIST?Our highest human potential can and will only live to it’s fullest potentiality when and only when we remember from hence we came – which is God, this Divine Universal Intelligence, the Cosmos, the Spiritual Womb, Mother Nature, call it what you will. We need to reclaim our power, take full responsibility for who we are and who we can be!

 “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

~ Albert Einstein

I’m sure some of you don’t want to hear about we are all one, we are all connected, but slice or dice it anyway you want…tis the truth.  What we need to understand is the grudges we harbor in our lives only hold us like super glue to those people we can’t stand to even think about let alone be around.

So, if you want to break free and reclaim your personal power then quit giving it to them and allowing them to take your power away which causes you to be upset, angry and unforgiving. Hey, it’s easier said than done, trust me I’m working on a whole helluva lot of stuff that is threatening to take my peace away…so I’m preaching what the preacher needs, do you hear me???

Let’s let everyone else do their own thing, and start worrying about doing “our” own thing. (Trust me they’ll get a BIG chance to see the holographic panoramic view of their life when they get to door #1 behind that curtain that the Wizard of Oz stands behind, called Heaven).

Let me tell you something, “it has been scientifically proven that the chances of another person exactly like you living on Earth are approximately one in sixteen billion.”(Brinkley) Todays’ Earth population is just over six billion, NO ONE, do you understand NO ONE on this planet living today can do what YOU do exactly as you do it. Do you understand the magnitude of what I just said here?

We need to start loving ourselves, release our fears, and love our neighbor. The more we eliminate our own darknesses, the less power it has on us and the world. Do you get what I’m saying? Slaying our own negative Dragons will in turn cause the darkness in the world to diminish. Like I wrote about awhile back, it’s no longer Darth Vader against Obi Kenobi, it’s ALL of us! Please ponder this, your life depends on it…and my life, and your daughters life, and the Popes life, and your lover’s life…are you starting to get the connection?

Let’s start going about the business of WHY God put us here in the first place. YOU have a plan, unique only to you…START LIVING IT!

If you had to answer in THREE seconds, Why Are YOU Here? In other words, what did God put you on this planet for?

What would you say? Your THREE seconds are up!

“A great sea captain becomes that way because he weathered many a storm, anyone can sail a calm sea!” ~ Eva Starr

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