48 hours left to Order your Entire Year of Personal Horoscope Forecasts

December 23, 2014by Eva Starr0

Sequence of illustrations showing Christmas horoscope - 12 zodiac signs inspired by ChristmasNow for the Holiday Special: I’ve made a decision to offer you a 12 month (day-to-day monthly forecast) horoscope transit predictions based on your individual planets and your personal chart for $75. WOW!!! That’s right that’s a mere six dollars and 25 cents a month. If you order now and pay by MIDNIGHT on December 24th, I’ll discount it to $50 per year, (this is a no-brainer)! Know which days are best for romance, getting business taken care of, which days you should keep a low profile, and when it’s best to shop and enjoy your life, individual to YOU and your chart alone! Here is a sample (click here) Cosmo Forecast Report for Eva Starr of my monthly forecast for December, (you’ll get anywhere from six to eight pages per month).

Since I haven’t figured out how to work the paypal buttons, just go to the Angel Wings at the top right of the page and donate $50 and tell me it’s for the yearly-monthly forecasts, and email me your birth data. You’ll receive your monthly forecast each month by email before the month starts.

Thank you all for your continued generosity and support. I love you and bless you with a multitude of prosperity, happiness and joy!

Santa Ziggy

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