2014 Year of the Blue Horse & Your Numerology

January 19, 2014by Eva Starr0

I love the Chinese New Year, I make a bigger tradition out of that then the familiar New Years Eve celebrations. I attribute the former to several past lives spent in the Orient. I am quite excited about the upcoming Chinese New Year, as well should you be. We’re coming into hope for the future, breakthroughs, tripled with creativity.

The Year of the Wooden Blue Horse8608595_f1024bluehorse, 2014 represents planting the seed, a year of cooperation, working together towards a higher purpose. The wood element denotes spring, growth, the colors turquoise and blue green symbolizing nature (wood) with harmony (water which nourishes wood) and the color blue for water.

The horse likes fancy clothes, dress up on this Chinese New Year, wear blues, greens and natural stones, turquoise, pearls, and emeralds. Horse represents freedom of movement, so above all don’t wear your hair in tightly wound bun or rubber-band it to death.  Use wood for decorations, don’t be afraid to get creative.

As for your diet for the upcoming New Years, you guessed it…eat what a horse would eat, lots of fruits and vegetables, not too mention they love apples. For God’s sake don’t eat meat, especially horse meat. Since we’re on the topic of apples, and you know horses love sugar, go ahead and bake yourself a home-made apple pie. (If you’d like, email me and I’ll send you a dynamite recipe).

Keep the atmosphere open & free moving, wind up the evening ringing some light bells with the sound of champagneThe Blue Horse 2014 opening. The official time of the Chinese New Year is 4:39 pm EST, and for us Californians it is 1:39pm January 30th, Thursday…it is early the next morning if you’re living in China, (or planning to visit to join in on the parade).

PS This would be a good year to hang a horse shoe over your door if you don’t already have one.

Note: To all of you that would love to find out your personal numerology forecast for your personal year of 2014, visit my website at http://reachforthemoon.net/2.html

Happy New Year and Much Love to You,

Eva Starr

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