10 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem

September 23, 2013by Eva Starr0

I got up this morning and made some Yogi Throat Coat tea, and there are little inspirational sayings on the tea bag (that I always read) and mine said “I am beautiful, I am bountiful, and I am Blissful”! Yeah, I thought to myself, that will be my mantra for the day “I am Beautiful, I am Bountiful, and I am Blissful”, I repeated to myself.

The whole thing got me thinking about self-esteem and how we all have our moments where we don’t exactly feel like we can conquer the world on certain days, (that is me this weekend, drinking apple-cider-vinegar with honey, gargling with salt water, eating raw garlic and drinking Throat Coat tea), just to name a few holistic cures I’m trying to bring myself back to tip-top condition.

In the meantime, when you’re feeling low, here’s some tips to bring you back up to the King and/or Queen that you are:

  1. Look in the mirror, SMILE, and tell yourself “I Love Myself, Exactly as I am!” (if you can’t love you, nobody else can)
  2. Start a Gratitude List. (even on your worst days there are plenty of things to be grateful for)
  3. Tell Yourself Something Great About You. (I have dynamite legs, no matter how low I may feel, no one can take away my Betty Grable Leggs!)Building-Self-Confidence
  4. Move It & Shake It. (get up and move around, exercise, go walking, hula-hoop (my favorite), ride your bike). Just do it!
  5. Find yourself a Support Friend or Team. (there’s always someone, somewhere who will listen & support you when you’re down)…Then climb back up!
  6. Make a List of Your Successes! Everyone has them, even if you won the swim team race in fifth grade it’s still SOMETHING! (plus I know you probably have a least a hundred plus)
  7. You are UNIQUE! So stop comparing yourself to the Joneses…God made YOU and no one like you, so focus on what you can do, and how you look, (not those skinny models whose ribs stick out of their skins).
  8. You Are What You Eat. (yes, it is true, put healthy stuff in your body & you’ll feel better automatically).
  9. Find Something that Excites YOU, (even if it’s baking peanut butter cookies) what makes you come alive…go do that thing, even if it’s for an hour a week, or more often if you can…everyone has something they’re passionate about…find it and then DO IT!
  10. Make a list of your GOOD qualities, are your kind, helpful, compassionate, friendly, you get the picture!

Then at the end of the day reflect back on how wonderful you are, write it down in a journal to remind yourself, or tell your pet how great you are, then go to sleep with a smile on your face because you are the best you that you can be!

I Love You,

Eva Starr

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